
Welcome, Friend
Make Yourself at Home

Food + Togetherness Go Hand-in-Hand

Welcome to A Taste for Living where we prefer to focus on who’s around the table vs. what’s on the table. While we love an awesome recipe—like any other home cook—we’re craving something far more delicious and meaningful.

We’ve craving the same thing as you are . . . genuine connection.

The type of connection that feels real, raw, and authentic. You can’t force it, but you can definitely create the space to cultivate endless amounts of connecting.

This is what we are choosing to focus on with our site —YOU.

You as the host who welcomes friends—old and new—into your home (and heart).

You as the cook who enjoys creating—and sharing—simple and delicious meals.

You as the spark that ignites the feelings warmth and belonging.

May our site inspire you to reach out to the friends you’ve lost touch with. Or the neighbor you wave to every day, but can’t seem to recall their name. Or your kid’s best friends, and their family. Or your cousin that moved to your area (a year ago).

The more random and spontaneous, the better.

Simply get together. Just because. No special occasion needed.

Togetherness is central to our mission and vision for this site. It’s something the world is starving for—yet at the same time—it’s one of the easiest things to create.

We will share fun ideas for events, ways for you to start your own Cookbook Club, recipes that everyone will adore, our favorite life-altering resources and finds, and our unofficial “rules” for the new everyday host. (Sorry Martha Stewart, we’re breaking up with you.)

May our words, ideas, and stories to empower you to take action.

Yes, we’re thrilled to have you read our content. But, at the end of the day, what we really want is for folks to unplug from their screens and tune in to each other. To connect offline. To make eye contact. To actually see one another. And to truly hear (and be heard).

So, dear ones, please enjoy our beloved site.

And enjoy each other.


catherina + jess
We want A Taste for Living to be breath of fresh air in this crazy wild world wide web. Our hope is for our words to inspire + empower you to open up your home, host a simple gathering (or grand event) and create delicious memories.

Unofficial Rule No. 1: You don’t have to be a good cook in order to be a great host.

In a world that’s virtually connected via the Internet + social media, we’re not feeling the same type of “connection” at home or in person. There is an epidemic of loneliness happening, and we aim to focus on fun ways to bring people together—people from all different walks of life.

Food is a vehicle for giving and receiving love. Therefore, our efforts at inspiring true connection begin with the home. Or more specifically, the dining table.

We respect your time, and we promise to create content that is Authentic + Accessible + Actionable. Cultivating togetherness is huge part of how we live, and our site will reflect that same focus.

In all that we write + create: we will be transparent; our content will speak to you vs. over you; and our various insights + advice will be relevant.

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Catherina + Jess

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