12 Ways to Earth Day Every Day


For us, Earth Day is a reminder of the impact we all have, each and every day, on this planet we call home. More than ever, we have countless options to help minimize our environmental footprint. Not only is it easier but living green has become preferable in so many ways.

Whether you switch to reusable bags, ditch plastic for mesh or discover bee's wax wraps (no one likes cling-wrap anyway) there are endless options for you. Click through some of our Favorites Finds and discover eco-friendly items that best fits your style. Enjoy!

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Eco Friendly Washable and Reusable Produce Bags - Soft Premium Lightweight Cotton Muslin Canvas

We can’t live without our reusable totes that fold down to pocket size. You’ll never have to worry about plastic bags slipping out of your cabinet casing a mess either! Also, the cotton mesh produce bags are a new favorite that we’ll never go without again. The variations are endless and so are the benefits. Click through some of our Favorites Finds and spot the style that fits you best!

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