Sharing food celebrates love and nurtures community. Discover inspiration for cooking and hosting ideas. Bring people together and create delicious memories.
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Love to Host, but Can’t Cook? 12 Meals to Serve Instead
FACT — You Don’t Have to Be a Good Cook in Order to Be a Great Host For whatever reason, people tend to hesitate or completely avoid hosting others for dinner, because they can't cook (or don’t like to cook). While they might appreciate [...]
What is a Food Swap +
28 Different Theme Ideas
Hosting a Food Swap 101 You like to cook and try new recipes. You even have some friends that also know their way around the kitchen. And they also have [...]
Mini Fruit Bouquets
Making Fresh Fruit Bouquets is just as fun as eating them. Yes, it's easy to go online and order a premade fruit bouquet to give to that special someone. But [...]
Build Your Own Bagel Platter
Breakfast, brunch, lunch, or dinner . . . bagels take the cake. Growing up, I enjoyed the traditional bagel and cream cheese combo. It wasn’t until I was in college [...]
12 Ways: Earth Day Every Day
12 Ways to Earth Day Every Day For us, Earth Day is a reminder of the impact we all have, each and every day, on this planet we call home. [...]
Honey Sriracha Chicken
Sweet, Savory, Spicy and Totally Addictive! Honey, this recipe is a crowd pleaser. Whether you are baking this chicken, in its sweet and savory sauce, or throwing it on the [...]
A New Type of Host
The time has come to for us stake claim on new version of hosting, and to explore what really makes a 'perfect' host. This is one of many conversations we'll be [...]
Reni’s Chicken Chili
Like many of you, my love for cooking didn’t blossom until adulthood. Growing up, my parents both worked and couldn’t spend hours in the kitchen perfecting culinary creations. However, they each [...]
A Baker’s Dozen Deviled Egg Trays
A Baker's Dozen Deviled Egg Trays Spring, summer, fall, and winter . . . deviled eggs are always in season. As you open your home (and your heart) to those [...]
My Paris Kitchen
This is one of those books that takes you on a journey, in the kitchen and in the heart. David moved to Paris from the U.S. and brings us along [...]
We’re Catherina (left) and Jessica (right), and we feel delighted that you’re here. Welcome! Gathering with friends—old and new—around a delicious meal is one of our favorite things to do.
Sadly, people’s social lives are shifting away from the personal face-to-face experience, and more toward the single isolated screen. Yeah, no thanks!
So, we’ve created this site to inspire you to reach out and connect with others (or reconnect with old friends). It’s way more than a food blog . . . Continue
— Open Your Home —
Even if it’s just a little messy.
— Open Your Fridge —
Or the drawer filled with takeout menus.
— Open Your Heart —
And remember what it feels like to be human.
Unofficial Rule No. 1: You don’t have to be a good cook in order to be a great host.
Food is a vehicle for giving and receiving love. Therefore, our efforts at inspiring true connection begin with the home. Or more specifically, the dining table.
In all that we write + create: we will be transparent; our content will speak to you vs. over you; and our various insights + advice will be relevant.
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A Taste for Living is filled with inspiration for cooking, hosting, and celebrations. The world is craving more offline connection. That is our focus, we invite you to join us in making delicious memories!
Not only will we share our personal favorites, we will be posting crowd-pleasing recipes that are easy to make + share. Food should be fun to eat and make.
Our social lifestyle has changed a lot, over the years. The same can be said for the “perfect” host. We are redefining the everyday host and what entertaining really means.
With so many options out there how do you decide which to buy? Fear not! We’ve done the research for you and we’re happy to share our favorites with you.
Think of it as a gourmet potluck, but even better. Here you’ll learn everything you need to know about how to start and run your own Cookbook Book club.
There’s more than one way to make a pesto or banana bread; and that’s a good thing. Together we’ll navigate the myriad of recipes out there, and bookmark our favorites.
There is something universally comforting and exciting about soups. Since it’s one of our favorite mediums to play in — we’re going to develop and share our creations with you!
One of the few times you’ll be inspired to play with your food. A new arrangement, every week, that is sure to be the life of any party.
“Wouldn’t it be awesome if . . .” Hands down, one of our favorite ways to start a sentence — and to begin dreaming up a fun event.
Aside from shoes and domain names, we love to collect cookbooks. Click on a cover to get a visual preview of select recipes.
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Cookbook Club
The newest way for food lovin’ friends to gather together. We’ll give you the info + inspiration you need to start your own Cookbook Club.